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put your talent into games original characters, no need to use genshit just to farm clicks... you are better than this

(2 edits) (-3)

Check the date is an original game.


and you read the last 5 words xd



genshin characters are goated tho


comparing overcomplicated outfits on the limited amount of base bodies to something actually good like... uma musume or arknights, genshit characters are 1. too complex, trying to look good by plastering random garbage on thieir outfits, 2. literally made to be sexualized to hell, 3. not original at all, they all look like just reheated potatoes and 4. fanbase of genshit makes mihoyo continue to make low quality trash coz they buy it.


Bro insulting a game in that game community like he knew everything💀

It's about the day today.


Hope so, genshit tolerated way too much...


i was a part of that community for few months after launch but they took the more disgusting route and i quitted.

So it's community's problems. then you blame the game itself